

Yield NutriRich Products


Feed your cows, buffaloes, sheep & goats with our nutrition-rich
corn silage that ensures better health, re-productivity and
increase in milk-yield. Fit for consumption till 18 months, NutriRich Silage is processed through highly integrated harvesting operations ad European Packing Technology.

Get your cattle’s favourite food today!


Made from Legume-Non Legume Roughages, Concentrates, Minerals and Vitamins, the delicious NutriRich Total Mixed Ration is the perfect feed for cows, buffaloes, sheep and goats Regular intact helps increase milk yield, balance weight, and improve health.


Planting new shrubs & trees: Sprinkle 1/4-1/2 lb. of Nutri-Rich fertilizer in the bottom of the hole and cover with 2-3 inches of soil. For every 1 foot of shrub or tree height, mix 1/4-1/2 1b. of Nutri-Rich fertilizer with soil used to fill and pack around the root ball.


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